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Selectmen's Minutes May 20, 1997
            Minutes of May 20, 1997 Selectmen Meeting

Selectmen Present: Judith Murdoch; Charles Flynn; Peter Jones;
Catherine Kuchinski, Chairman and Clerk; and newly elected
Selectman Daniel Webster.  Also present: Joseph Nugent Executive
Secretary to the Board of Selectmen.

I. Open: Chairman Kuchinski called the meeting to order at 7:38pm
acknowledging the election results from Saturday, May 17 Annual
Town elections.  Everyone congratulated Selectman Webster on his
win for the one year seat and welcomed back Selectmen Jones and
Flynn to the Board from their uncontested races.  Dan Webster
thanked the voting public and stated his intentions were to work
hard with other members of the Board to serve Town interests.

II. Announcements: (1) Mass. Selectmen's Association Workshop:
Webster was given the notice regarding the June 6, 1997 seminar
for newly elected selectmen to Boards.  (2) Thursday, May 22nd,
Selectmen posted to attend a meeting in Pembroke on the GIS
program. (4) Monday, May 26 is Memorial Day - the veterans of
Hanson invite us to remember the services rendered for our
country by all fallen and living veterans of all wars and
conflicts in which our country has participated.  Services begin
promptly at 9AM on the steps of Memorial Auditorium at Indian
Head School with the traditional reading of the governor's
proclamation.  The parade will go to the Town Hall for the
reading of the Gettysburg Address and then on to the Fern Hill
Cemetery for services and back to the Indian Head for final
ceremonies and then disbanding.   We look forward to seeing many
residents turn out to march and to watch!  Press Release -
Veterans Agent Bob Arsenault and American Legion Post 226 will
provide transportation to and from the parade area as well as in
the parade for any veteran needing assistance.  Please call the
Post Commander, Ken Smith or the Veterans' Agent to utilize this
new service.  (5) Wednesday May 28th the WHBPA breakfast meeting
at Ridders will have as their topic local zoning do's and dont's.
(6)Camp Kiwanee Summer Programs: Recreational programs for ages
4-12 offered in two sessions covering July 14 through August 7.
(7) Cobb Library Garden Tour of four homes in Hanson and 2 local
towns.  Tickets available at Wyman's nursery.

III. Calvary Baptist Church Invitation: Kuchinski read Pastor
Kevin J. Rawlins' letter inviting all town officers to attend the
25th Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, June 1, 1997 at 4pm for
dinner and 6pm for services.

IV. Common Victualer license request - Hanson Grange #209: the
Grange is looking to serve food weekly on Saturday evenings for
fund raiser.  Board of Health permit seen in our packet of
information. Jones would like the specific days and hours of
operation clarified for future permits.  Motion 5/20/97.1: move
that the Board of Selectmen grant the Common Victualers license
for weekly suppers held at the Grange located at 782 Main Street.
Motion made by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 5-0.

V. Need for Extension to the EOCD Septic Repair Grant: Kuchinski
noted the paperwork necessary to extend the time frame until
October 31, 1997 was before the Board.  This extension is
required to complete those projects already in the pipeline.
Motion 5/20/97.2: move that the Board of Selectmen vote to extend
the EOCD Septic Repair Grant until October 31, 1997.  Motion made
by Flynn with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 5-0.

VI. Invitation - Eagle Court of Honor for Nathan Thomas Billings:
Kuchinski noted that the Board is invited to attend this Scout's
honor court at 7pm at the Congregational Church on June 27th.

Kuchinski noted the past fine calligraphy on the many
certificates issued by the Board of Selectmen that have been done
by Assistant Town Clerk Barbara Russo.  The Board agreed and
Kuchinski requested Nugent to prepared a letter of Thanks to Mrs.
Russo for issuance by the Board.   

VII. Formation of Town Hall Building Committee: Nugent reported
that the independent architect's report is not yet in for review.
Board would like, if possible, an update on this aspect of the
project on June 3 from Jay Walter.  Motion 5/20/97.3: move that
the Board of Selectmen appoint a five member committee to be
composed as follows: one selectman, one member of the Capital
Improvement Committee, the chair of the previous feasibility
committee, one member of the Historical Commission and a citizen
at large with those being appointed this evening to be: Daniel
Webster as the selectman; Jay Walter as the chair of the previous
feasibility committee and Warren Emerson as the citizen-at-large;
with Carole McCormack and Joseph Nugent appointed as non-voting
members.  Motion made by Flynn with second by Murdoch.  Motion
carried 5-0.   Nugent was requested to contact the Historical
Commission for its representative.  He was also to ask the
Capital Improvements Committee to send only one representative to
the Committee - Mr. Morrill or in his place, Mrs. Sutter.  The
Board looking for this information for completing this committee
at its next meeting on June 3rd.

VIII. Set July Meeting Dates:   Motion 5/20/97.4: move that the
Board of Selectmen set the July meeting dates for the Board for
July 8 and July 22, 1997.  Motion made by Flynn with second by
Murdoch.  Motion carried 5-0.

IX. Police Chief King - Naming new sergeants: Chief King reported
on all the activity required for this activity.  He went through
the written test nine officers took on April 30 and then the
assessment center that seven officers completed on May 9th. Chief
King applauded the assistance of the three area chiefs who helped
with the assessment center: Kevin Donovan from Rockland, Diane
Skoog from Carver and John Silva from East Bridgewater.  The
Board requested Nugent to prepare letters to each of the Chiefs
for signing by the Board of Selectmen.  Officer Edward Savage
placed at the top of each category on this test and Officer Peter
Daley placed second.   Officer James Perron was third on the
list.  This listing is good for three years according to the side
agreement signed between the union and the selectmen.  Discussion
included the facts that the FY98 budget allows for two sergeants
to be appointed, that the effective date of the positions would
be July 1st, that the swearing-in ceremony with family and
friends could take place in June.  Motion 5/20/97.5: move that
the Board of Selectmen promote Officer Edward Savage and Officer
Peter Daley to the new sergeants positions for the Hanson Police
Department with their appointments effective July 1, 1997. Motion
made by Flynn with second by Jones.  Motion carried 5-0.  

Chief King was then able to place telephone calls to these
officers who then came in and were personally welcomed by the
Board of Selectmen and each were congratulated on their fine
performances on the promotional tests.  The swearing-in ceremony
date to be scheduled for June 3rd.

X. Executive Secretary Report:  (1) MBTA Meeting: a meeting to
take place on Wed. May 28 in Whitman Town Hall. Murdoch wants the
issue of the high speed of the trains to be addressed; especially
in the area of the high school.  (2) MBTA - Hanson request for
meeting: Nugent to check with towns south for the date of their
joint meeting for complaints against the project so that Board
members could attend.  Hanson still needs the various full
percent of drawing plans to be presented to the board.  Jones
requested that Mr. Danner be advised of the actual date that the
MBTA would be before the Board (should be mid June).  (3) Gas
Inspector Appointment:  plumbing is done by the Building
Inspector but the gas inspector is the Board; interviews should
be held for this position after May 20th.  Flynn volunteered to
be the selectman sitting in on these interviews. (4) Audit of the
Town's Finances: Nugent reported that the audit report and
recommendations were complete and in the incoming mail.
Selectmen to review the documents for further discussion on June
3 for a decision on requesting the auditing firm to send a
representative to an upcoming Board meeting for discussion on
methods to correct the various mistakes in town methodology.  (5)
Family & Medical Leave Policy: Labor Counsel Earl Wilson has
drafted the policy and it will be on the agenda for June 3rd.
(6) Captain Nathaniel Drive:  Bernie Munro has sent a letter to
the Board requesting permission to use the name "Captain
Nathaniel Drive" for a subdivision proposed off Whitman Street.
Lila Coyle offered the history of the name - Captain Nathaniel
Collamore was the first Postmaster in Hanson in January of 1821.
Motion 5/20/97.6: move that the Board of Selectmen approve the
name Captain Nathaniel Drive as a street in Hanson.  Motion made
by Flynn with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 5-0.  (7)
Meeting to address FY98: Discussion urged next month on the goals
and objectives of the Board of Selectmen and for those of the
Board for the Executive Secretary position.  Nugent to schedule a
meeting with the Schools for June to discuss school issues with
an eye towards other town departments goals as well as issues.
The beginning to develop a vision for the future.

XI. Selectmen Action Requests:  (1) Kuchinski requested that
letters be sent out to all appointments ending June 30 thanking
them for their assistance and requesting an indication of their
willingness to serve another term.  Board members to review their
assigned committees as Selectmen for the next meeting for a
reordering of the assignments.  Nugent noted that negotiation
teams will be necessary for upcoming contracts (Police, Clerical
and Highway).  Nugent was asked to double check all contracts so
that team assignments could be made at the next meeting. (2) MBTA
activity was reviewed - a meeting was again deemed necessary
wherein the MBTA explained progress to this point and time frame
for the summer activity in this business district of the town.
(3) Flynn reported on the School K-8 Building Committee submittal
of the reimbursement paperwork and now awaiting acknowledgement
of the state's receipt. Committee is looking to go out to bid in
June.  Flynn announced that a meeting was scheduled with the
Appeals Board for next Tuesday at 7pm.  (4) Historical
Commission: Kuchinski reported that the Commission wanted to
schedule time on June 17th to update the Board on its actions
regarding the grant.  Nugent to arrange the time slot.

XII. Reorganization of the Board of Selectmen: Kuchinski noted
her pleasure at serving the Board and the residents of Hanson as
Chairman for the remainder of Haggerty's term for which he had
entered a resignation from the office and the Board.  Although
willing to serve a full term as chairman she would respect the
wishes of the Board. Kuchinski then stated that through
nominations, a slate would be developed and then voted.

Stating the good job done by the present chair but that there was
a need to give other members their chance to serve as Chairman,
Murdoch began by making the following nomination.

Office of Chairman: I nominate Charles Flynn for Chairman of the
Board of Selectmen.   Nomination made by Murdoch with second by
Jones. With no other nominations, Kuchinski closed nominations.

For the office of Vice-Chairman - Jones nominated Kuchinski with
a second by Murdoch.   Kuchinski declined the nomination.
Murdoch then nominated Peter Jones for Vice-Chairman of the Board
of Selectmen and the nomination was seconded by Flynn.  Kuchinski
was then able to close nominations.

     After a short discussion of exactly what would be the duties
of the Clerk for the upcoming term, noting that a new office
secretary would be hired sometime this summer, Murdoch, Flynn,
Jones and Webster were adamant that the duties would be strictly
oversight of the minutes; that the selectman would not have to
physically take the minutes.  No one could believe the fantastic
job Kuchinski has done over the last four years especially this
last seven months being both chairman and clerk requiring the
person to think, speak and write the actions of the board.   For
the office of Clerk - Flynn nominated Kuchinski with a second by
Murdoch.   Kuchinski declined this worthy nomination.  Jones then
nominated Judith Murdoch for Clerk of the Board of Selectmen and
the nomination was seconded by Flynn.  Kuchinski was then able to
close the nominations.  Motion 5/20/97.7: the motion is now on
the slate of officers as determined by nominations for Chairman -
Flynn; Vice-Chairman - Jones and Clerk - Murdoch.    Motion made
by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 3-0-2 (Kuchinski
and Webster abstaining from the vote.)

XIII. Adjournment:  Kuchinski then noted the next action would be
to call the meeting to a close. Kuchinski was willing to turn the
gavel over to Chairman Flynn but the Board gave her the privilege
to call for the final motion of the evening.  Motion 5/20/97.8:
move to adjourn.  Motion made by Flynn with second by Jones. The
motion carried 5-0.   Adjourned at 9:23pm.